
Should this work in Windows Anaconda?

LorenAmelang opened this issue · 3 comments

(base) PS C:\Users\loren> npm i --global qnm

added 1 package in 1s
(base) PS C:\Users\loren> qnm lodash
could not identify package directory

I moved to:
d----- 1/12/2020 6:27 PM node_modules

(base) PS C:\Users\loren> cd node_modules
(base) PS C:\Users\loren\node_modules> qnm core-js
could not identify package directory
(base) PS C:\Users\loren\node_modules> qnm list
could not identify package directory
(base) PS C:\Users\loren\node_modules> which qnm
which : The term 'which' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check
the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1

  • which qnm
  •   + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (which:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

(base) PS C:\Users\loren\node_modules>

Maybe just not going to work? But it seemed to install...

Hi @LorenAmelang
The first error that you've seen is that qnm wasn't able to find a package directory (here)

This means it's trying to traverse upwards to find a package.json (using this package)
This means that the directory that you chose or any directory above it doesn't have a package.json file.
I think that you're using Windows command prompt, but which is a linux command, so it didn't work.

The fact that you've got the error message means that the package was installed correctly, you can run qnm --help to verify.

Played with this some more. It can work in Windows Anaconda!

(base) PS C:\Users\loren> cd "C:\Users\loren\Documents\Psychoros\Gridsome Test\bulma"
(base) PS C:\Users\loren\Documents\Psychoros\Gridsome Test\bulma> ls

    Directory: C:\Users\loren\Documents\Psychoros\Gridsome Test\bulma

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        11/30/2022   5:21 PM                node_modules
-a----          5/3/2020   4:50 PM         625420 package-lock.json
-a----          5/3/2020   4:49 PM           1209 package.json
(base) PS C:\Users\loren\Documents\Psychoros\Gridsome Test\bulma> qnm list
├── 7.0.0 (@babel/core, @babel/template, @babel/traverse...)
├─┬ @babel/template
│ └── 7.18.6
├─┬ @babel/traverse
│ └── 7.18.6
└─┬ gridsome
  └── 7.18.6

└── 7.20.5 (@babel/helper-compilation-targets, @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread, @babel/preset-env...)

But it needs both node_modules and package.json in the directory you run it from:

(base) PS C:\Users\loren\node_modules\core-js> ls

    Directory: C:\Users\loren\node_modules\core-js

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----         12/5/2019   9:02 PM                es
d-----         12/5/2019   9:02 PM                features
d-----         12/5/2019   9:02 PM                internals
d-----         12/5/2019   9:02 PM                modules
d-----         12/5/2019   9:02 PM                proposals
d-----         12/5/2019   9:02 PM                stable
d-----         12/5/2019   9:02 PM                stage
d-----         12/5/2019   9:02 PM                web
-a----        10/26/1985   1:15 AM           1043 configurator.js
-a----        10/26/1985   1:15 AM            123 index.js
-a----        10/26/1985   1:15 AM           1064 LICENSE
-a----         12/5/2019   9:02 PM           1948 package.json
-a----        10/26/1985   1:15 AM           2037 postinstall.js
-a----        10/26/1985   1:15 AM           5499 README.md

(base) PS C:\Users\loren\node_modules\core-js> qnm list
could not find node_modules directory

That "modules" doesn't qualify... Nor does "node_modules" being in the parent directory. Seems to need both in the current directory,

Great, thanks @LorenAmelang. Closing