- 0
- 21
- 1
- 11
Sparkasse Leipzig: Secure Customer Authentication, synchronisation, return code 9391
#173 opened by lutuh - 9
Sparkasse Bochum always requires a TAN
#174 opened by e7p - 8
- 33
DKB does not accept connections anymore
#121 opened by Jan-2k - 1
Troubleshooting Script does not pay Attention to non-optional param "product_id"
#168 opened by ntf1974 - 2
- 1
"ValueError: Could not find system_id"
#170 opened by chuchaki - 1
- 15
- 11
- 3
- 1
PyPi formatting issue
#119 opened by tbm - 4
how to store the init tan request data?
#114 opened by drmhessler - 1
- 0
Can't get state restoring running
#158 opened by yanone - 1
Error after entering the TAN number when sending multiple sepa direct debit transaction.
#157 opened by Estartu - 1
#156 opened by ErfolgreichCharismatisch - 2
Questions regarding tests
#152 opened by werdahias - 4
- 1
- 5
Consorsbank, ING: Sample Code not working for me
#130 opened by maxbethke - 5
- 5
- 1
Remove travis build for Python 3.4
#127 opened by tloebhard - 9
DKB - 'Anzahl Signaturen für diesen Auftrag unzureichend laut UPD oder BPD.'
#100 opened by MyUserForGitHub - 7
- 4
How to use authentication with "Sicherheitsdatei"?
#143 opened by stevstrong - 3
Make python-fints compatible with Python 3.10
#134 opened by jamilraichouni - 0
Missing support for Python 3.10?
#140 opened by clstaudt - 1
- 5
- 9 seems no longer to authenticate
#131 opened by jmuxfeldt - 4
- 13
Postbank: get_tan_media returns None
#101 opened by rhn - 2
- 2
- 4
- 1
Is it possible to persist and restore a previous session for daily invocations?
#115 opened by bojanjanisch - 5
Server implementation
#102 opened by bennaux - 2
Kreissparkasse Soltau: FinTSDialogInitError
#107 opened by pritzky - 3
Feature Request: Transfer
#113 opened by ski7777 - 3
Feature Request: Sammler
#112 opened by ski7777 - 1
SWIFT transfers
#105 opened by alexkmbk - 10
ING DiBa get_sepa_accounts() problem
#96 opened by krater - 1
netbank - 'Anzahl Signaturen für diesen Auftrag unzureichend laut UPD oder BPD.'
#103 opened by agross - 1
Just saying THANKS! (works with 1822Direkt)
#98 opened by spaetz - 1