
Please help

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I am applying YASA to the sleep-edf data/sleep-edf-database-expanded-1.0.0 specifically this file, SC4001E0-PSG.edf. I am following along with notebook 14 just to understand how it produces the hypnogram file. The duration of the file states 22:04:60 (HH:MM:SS) however the hypnogram generated using this block of code below

"# Let's first create a dataframe with the predicted stages and confidence
df_pred = pd.DataFrame({'Stage': y_pred, 'Confidence': confidence})

Now export to a CSV file


Screenshot 2024-05-12 230313

it generates roughly the right amount of epochs however when I go to input the annotations along with the edf file in edfbrowser it leaves off a big portion without annotations. I have a feeling this could be a user error in terms of edfbrowser usage but I followed instructions at this link: https://raphaelvallat.com/yasa/build/html/faq.html. I am using this for a senior project and will be applying it to real world data we will generate from our device. I am also a little confused in how I would go about generating a confusion matrix, I'm used to generating one for simpler data but am confused on how I should go about doing it for this situation. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Thank you for your help,


Have you solved the problem? There's clearly something off with the way that the annotations are parsed into EDFBrowser, because each discrete epoch should be 30-seconds. Based on your screenshot, it seems that the epochs are interpreted by EDFBrowser to have roughly ~1-sec duration, which is clearly wrong.

To generate a confusion matrix you need to:

  1. Get the YASA predicted sleep stages
  2. Load the reference sleep stages into a numpy array or a pandas series, with the same label mapping as YASA (e.g. 0 = Wake, 1 = N1, etc)
  3. Use scikit-learn to calculate and/or plot the confusion matrix.
