
Backslash and Backspace doesn't work

Eiffelsturm opened this issue · 1 comments

Issue Description

When connected to the M3 Windows version via SSH, I cannot use the Backslash or Backspace button. The Backspace just adds a space. The Backslash is shown in the window, but isn't recognized by the maschine (cd: C:wampalias: No such file or directory). I changed the keyboard layout locally on M3, but it doesn't fix it. I tried it from powershell and Putty. A restart doesn't solve it either. On my host, I'm using the german layout.

Host System

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Packer Version: 1.7.8
  • Vagrant Version: 2.2.19
  • VirtualBox Version: 6.1.30

Command Output

Copy the relevant command output here.
If it's long, either post to a gist and add the link here, or isolate the error lines.
cd: C:wampalias: No such file or directory

Access via ssh is not the expected usage for this VM, that being stated I tested ssh access using putty as a client from a Windows 10 system characters are sent. The ssh service on this host provides a limited sh env and starting a cmd prompt does have some limitation in character interactions.

This would not be considered an issue for this product as the metasploitable3 project is not the author of the ssh server utilized, however if there is a compatibility issue the project likely add some documentation on findings for future users.

You mention changing the keyboard layout in the VM, over ssh the ssh client should control what characters are sent to the connection. Can you provide additional details about how your ssh client is configured? If using putty what keyboard options are set on the session connection?