
Error building the vagrant box using packer.

Onyeze-code opened this issue · 3 comments

Issue Description

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If you didn't find your issue mentioned, please give a thorough description of the issue you're seeing.
Also, please be sure to include any troubleshooting steps that you've already attempted.

Host System

  • OS: windows 10
  • Packer Version: 1.8.5_windows_amd64
  • Vagrant Version: 2.3.4
  • VirtualBox Version: 7.0.6-155176-Win

Command Output

Copy the relevant command output here.
If it's long, either post to a gist and add the link here, or isolate the error lines.

+Metasploit3-master\build.ps1:157 char:10
+throw Error building the Vagrant box using Packer. Please c ...
+Category info : OperationStopped: (Error building ...error

I need help with this

Insufficient information has been provided to replicate this issue. The information is truncated so we can't see the error info. Please provide additional information on commands executed and steps taken for us to be able to replicate your issue.

Error building the Vagrant box using Packer
I could not copy the exact messages so I decided to use the snipping tool. You will see exact messages on the snip.
I installed Vagrant and Packer in my Windows PC.
I installed plugins using vagrant
I had a packer folder in my program file and also added the packer path in my Environment using Edit Environment
I set Execution Policy to unrestricted and shut down windows defender

This is a packer error likely due to a previous failure, the output-virtualbox-iso folder did not clean up properly, please remove the folder and try the build again.