
mimikatz_command -f's help menu speaks French

wchen-r7 opened this issue · 2 comments

I think we forgot to translate this:

vector<KIWI_MIMIKATZ_LOCAL_MODULE_COMMAND> mod_mimikatz_standard::getMimiKatzCommands()

When you supply something invalid for mimikatz_command -f, it will speak French:

meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f blah
Commande locale 'blah' introuvable

Description du module : Standard
         cls    - Efface l'?cran (ne fonctionne pas en ?xecution distante, via PsExec par exemple)
        exit    - Quitte MimiKatz
     reponse    - Calcule la r?ponse ? la Grande Question sur la Vie, l'Univers et le Reste
        cite    - Trouve une citation
     version    - Retourne la version de mimikatz
       sleep    - Mets en pause mimikatz un certains nombre de millisecondes

Ideally should deprecate the mimikatz extension, but it can still be useful as kiwi doesn't expose all the features yet. whip @OJ

OJ commented

Yeah yeah I know! :P Imma doing ma best! I'll get to it, I promise.

BTW, mimikatz will remain in action so long as WinXP/Win2k2 remain present. Mimikatz 2.0 (and therefore the Kiwi extension) rely on updated APIs which aren't present in older systems.