
Kiwi can't dump certs from non-default store

serain opened this issue · 1 comments

The default store is CURRENT_USER, I would like to export certs from LOCAL_MACHINE.

The argument parameter doesn't allow us to pass a target store argument:

mimikatz_command -f crypto::exportCertificates -a '\systemstore:LOCAL_MACHINE'
Emplacement : 'systemstore:LOCAL_MACHINE' introuvable !

I tried all combinations I can think of, nothing working.

OJ commented

To be clear, mimikatz != kiwi. There isn't currently an ability to use straight mimikatz commands using the kiwi extension.

The kiwi extension is out of date, and work is currently being done to bring it up to par with the current version of mimikatz that Ben has released. The current mimikatz extension in Meterpreter is intended for use with very old machines.

When the new version of kiwi is ready, this will be possible. Thanks!