
Multiple Sessions Kills previous

Sicks3c opened this issue · 7 comments

Hello guys
I want to know if there's an options in "show advanced" I can use to prevent my first session from dying if another sessions get's opened

Are you the guy who hung out for 20 minutes and disappeared on IRC? There's not enough information here to know what problem you're actually having.

It sounds like maybe you have a misconfiguration, or are encountering a bug. There is no option to my knowledge for setting the maximum number of sessions that can be connected. It is possible you have a limited number of ports available, e.g. if you're trying to connect multiple sessions via the 'bind' method.

No the thing is when I sent Payload to victim machine and the payload is clicked I get Meterpreter session
But if the payloads is clicked more than once it create a lot of sessions that kills the previous one's
I want to know if there's is a method or an option that I can activate to keep just the first and If the payloads is clicked more than once the other session will be on background or smthing like that
I hope i'm clear x)

You're not really showing me what you're doing, so I'll try to guess.
Did you set 'ExitOnSession' to false?
Are you running your handler as a background job? run -j ?

It'd be more helpful if rather than describing, you pasted output, configuration parameters, etc.

No I didnt I think that what I was looking for that ' ExitOnSession' to false
It will prevent my first session from dying even If the victim clicks more than once

timwr commented

I presume you're using Android?
Have you tried the AndroidWakelock and AndroidHideAppIcon options?

timwr commented

Stay on IRC and we'll try help you out.