
No payload configured, defaulting to php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

r4yl3x opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, i'm trying to exploit a pureftpd open port exploit, i found the exploit

Screenshot at 2021-02-09 01-12-45

but whenever i run the exploit i get this:
msf6 > use exploit/multi/ftp/pureftpd_bash_env_exec
[*] No payload configured, defaulting to linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Screenshot at 2021-02-09 01-04-11

I've gone through all the metasploit payloads but i can't seem to get which one to use for this exploit, please can someone point me to the right payload for this exploit?

Thank you!

but whenever i run the exploit i get this:
msf6 > use exploit/multi/ftp/pureftpd_bash_env_exec

The commands you have shown demonstrate selecting ("using") a module.

You have not run the module.

To run an exploit you must first "use" the exploit module and then "run" the module. You can run a module by typing run.

No payload configured, defaulting to php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp means that no payload is selected and Metasploit has selected one (php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp) for you. You can choose a different payload with set payload <payload>

The Metasploit issue tracker is for tracking issues with Metasploit.

Perhaps someone on IRC or Slack can help you out with your questions in future:

Closing this issue. If you believe this issue has been closed in error, please provide any relevant output and logs which may be useful in diagnosing the issue.

Thanks bcoles :)