
Add photo to new contact

futur22de opened this issue · 1 comments


I'm trying to add a photo to a new contact. That's my try:

function createContact(string $givenName, string $familyName, string $nickName) {
    $contact = new Contact($this->people);
    $contact->names[0] = new stdClass;
    $contact->names[0]->givenName = $givenName;
    $contact->names[0]->familyName = $familyName;
    $contact->nicknames[0] = new stdClass;
    $contact->nicknames[0]->value = $nickName;
    $contact->phoneNumbers[0] = new stdClass;
    $contact->phoneNumbers[0]->value = '0123456789';
    $contact->photos[0] = new stdClass;
    $contact->photos[0]->url = 'my private url';
    $contact->photos[0]->default = true; // I tried also false
    // no error, no photo

I have a new contact in Google Contacts but I can't see a photo. What I have to do? I'm looking forward for your advice. Thanks.

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I created this code, based in the function "save", from the class "GooglePeople".

public function savePhoto($resourceName,$photoBytes) {
$requestObj = new \stdClass();

    //If resource name exists, update the contact.

    $method = 'PATCH';
    $url = self::PEOPLE_BASE_URL.$resourceName.':updateContactPhoto';

    $requestObj = ['photoBytes'=>$photoBytes];
    $requestBody = json_encode($requestObj);

    $response = $this->googleOAuth2Handler->performRequest($method, $url, $requestBody);
    $body = (string) $response->getBody();

    if ($response->getStatusCode()!=200) {
        throw new Exception($body);

    $responseObj = json_decode($body);
    return $responseObj;
    #return $this->convertResponseConnectionToContact($responseObj);