
[Bug]: collapsing seems to be broken on table row because of the breakpoints that doesnt match with the one on table head

mrevanzak opened this issue · 5 comments

What happened?

so this happens to me


the last 2 columns should be on collapse but the table row doesn't disappear, only the table head disappears.
the culprit is lg:table-cell on the table head but md:table-cell on the table row

How to reproduce the bug

just use collapseOnTablet() or collapseOnMobile

Package Version


PHP Version


Laravel Version


Alpine Version

No response


Tailwind 3.x


No response

Error Message

No response

Apologies for the delay, will try to get this one resolved this weekend! It didn't come up during testing oddly, so need to check if I've got something custom on my end.

Okay, identified the issue, will have a fix in this weekend's release!

Hi Joe !
I just installed the package today and might have something that seems connected to that too
Let me know if you need more details

I don't have anything special in the code tho, i've joined the discord so i'll be checking the releases patches from there !

Package Version 3.2
Php : 8.2
Laravel 10

Have a good one !

class LocationCountry extends DataTableComponent
    protected $model = Country::class;

    public function configure(): void
            'class' => '',

    public function columns(): array
        return [
            Column::make('Id', 'id')
            Column::make('Name')->label(fn ($row) => $row->name)
                ->sortable(fn (Builder $query, $direction) => $query->orderBy('name', $direction))
                ->searchable(fn (Builder $query, $term) => $query->where('name', 'like', '%'.$term.'%')),
            Column::make('Iso code', 'iso_code')
            Column::make('Prefix')->label(fn ($row) => '+'.$row->call_prefix)
            Column::make('Zone', 'zone.name')
            BooleanColumn::make('Enabled', 'active')

My inject core assets was set to false in my config file, setting it to true fixed it !

 * Enable or Disable automatic injection of core assets
'inject_core_assets_enabled' => true,

Currently testing the fix

Released in 3.2.1