
[Feature Request]: Support for laravel nWidart module package

DishaRupareliya opened this issue · 4 comments


i am facing same issue. i am working with livewire and i wanted to create datatable PurchaseCodeVerifierTable and model location is modules/Items/Models/PurchaseCodeVerifier

Detailed explanation

here is command i am using php artisan make:datatable PurchaseCodeVerifierTable modules/Items/Models/PurchaseCodeVerifier

but it give me an error.


i am using nwidart module package

Does it work with backslashes rather than forward slashes?

Should be in the next release thanks to @marvoh

Is now in develop should you wish to test it, should be a new release this weekend.

This is in the latest release, please reach out if you still have issues, either by re-opening, giving me a mention, or reaching out on Discord!