I got this error "マップのロードに失敗しました!../../../../ws/turtlebot3-UE/Content/Maps/Turtlebot3_benchmark.umapは、この[Cur:v522|1,004]より新しいエンジンリリースからのUEマップ[File:v522|1,008]です。"
YuminosukeSato opened this issue · 2 comments
YuminosukeSato commented
./run_editor.sh <false or true to use dds server or not> $(pwd) <ue_exe>
I did this command.
I got this error.
Even if the unreal engine editor comes out, it will remain completely dark.
How do I solve this?
Unreal engine version :5
turtlebot3-UE branch is devel.
james-yoo commented
What kind of UE version did you install? You should use UE5.1.x version. I guess you are currently using UE5.0.x version.
Buddies-as-you-know commented
thank you.