Tested with ROS2 Cartographer?
alexzhang13 opened this issue · 2 comments
Does this repo work with cartographer? I want to map out the environment collected in UE5, but when I follow this guide but replace any Gazebo portions with the UE5 simulator, no map gets spawned.
The main difference is that rviz complains about a missing Map frame, but I've noticed this when using nav2 with rviz and it works just fine.
I haven't used cartographer. need to investigate what information is misssing from UE.
Do you have list of topic which is required from sim?
So I think it's mainly the map/ topic, which is an empty stream when launching cartographer (but it has a subscriber and publisher).
The workaround I have right now is also launching nav2 concurrently, which for some reason (maybe it's because we calibrate pose?) is able to get cartographer to work.