
Cannot retrieve the version information of OpenCV

vmirly opened this issue · 8 comments

I can import cv2 package in my jupyter notebook, but watermark cannot find the proper information for this package:

DistributionNotFound: The 'cv2' distribution was not found and is required by the application

rasbt commented

Hey, Vahid,

hm, that's weird. Can you import the 'cv2' package in your current jupyter session via
__import__('cv2') ?


Yes, importing via this command works in jupyter notebook:

<module 'cv2' from '/home/vahid/.virtualenvs/cv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/cv2.so'>

Also, the version can be seen via

rasbt commented

Hm, what watermark version are you using then? If you are using a version < v. 1.3.2 you may have to use the install name ("opencv") instead of the import package name.

PS: you can get the watermark version via %watermark -w

Something is not right. I successfully installed the latest version (1.3.4)

  Found existing installation: watermark 1.3.4
    Uninstalling watermark-1.3.4:
      Successfully uninstalled watermark-1.3.4
  Running setup.py develop for watermark
Successfully installed watermark

but in jupyter I still get the old version:

import watermark
%watermark -w
watermark v. 1.2.3
rasbt commented

Hm, this sounds more like a general issue related to where/how you installed packages -- maybe sth related to your virtual environments? Maybe you installed a second version of the package in an env, and your jupyter comes from another environment? Maybe just upgrade the package just from Jupyter notebook directly like

%%sh pip install watermark --upgrade
rasbt commented

PS: it looks like you ran python setup.py develop? This does not install the package but it will create an .egg-link in the deployment directory back to the project source code directory.

Now it seems that the problem is resolved, and %watermark -v -p cv2 gives the OpenCV version.

I had tried pip install watermark --upgrade as well, but for some reasons, it was not working.

rasbt commented

Hm, I suspect there was something weird about the virtual env that you upgraded and the virtual env that loaded the notebook. However, I am glad that it's sorted out now :)