
Getting Info about the Python environment

rasbt opened this issue · 0 comments

rasbt commented

As suggested by @bollwyvl it would be a nice feature to also add a flag for additional info about the Python "environment", e.g,.

  • python
    • conda
  • "native" managers:
    • apt
    • dnf / yum
    • brew
  • other vcs
    • hg

I feel like we are slowly running out of 1-letter flags ... Right now, we have

-v, --python          prints Python and IPython version

which prints something like:

CPython 3.4.3
IPython 3.0.0

I would suggest to add an integer argument for verbosity here (default: 1).

for example,

%watermark -v 0
CPython 3.4.3

%watermark -v 1    (default)
CPython 3.4.3
IPython 3.0.0

%watermark -v 2   
CPython 3.4.3
IPython 3.0.0
pip 7.1.0
conda 3.16.0

%watermark -v 3
CPython 3.4.3
IPython 3.0.0
pip 7.1.0
conda 3.16.0

But I am open to suggestions!