
support prometheus-operator

HaveFun83 opened this issue ยท 14 comments

is it possible to support multi-arch builds for the prometheus-operator?

If yes i could working on an MR.

@HaveFun83 I'd start out by listing all the images that it uses, like grafana, node-exporter etc...

@HaveFun83 we'd absolutely be open to supporting any and all images for ARM.

damm commented

I ended up building an image for kube-state-metrics as the current release is not arm64.

@HaveFun83 did you make any lead way with investigating and getting prometheus-operator support for ARM into the repository? I would love to hear how you went as I'm also looking at using it myself currently.

@xunholy sorry been a bit busy the last weeks. Will try to create a PR for it later this week.

@onedr0p in the first step we should only support the base operator https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator and than check which other applications around the stack also missing multi-arch support

This is being worked on upstream


which other applications around the stack also missing multi-arch support

Just a note: currently, there are missing ARMv7 and ARM64 images for:

Everything else already supports ARMv7 and ARM64.

@mcristina422 @paulfantom Thanks for bringing that to my attention regarding prometheus-operator being worked on which is fantastic news!

We also identified some other dependencies that need to be compiled, would you be able to confirm if these are in scope for your changes @paulfantom otherwise we'll continue to update these ones, and then once your PR is merged we can use your official upstream changes for the


Can confirm this also need to be supported from what I'm seeing in my latest test jettech/kube-webhook-certgen:v1.0.0

EDIT** Looks like v1.2.0 is supported.

I've managed to use the prometheus-operator helm chart and deploy almost the full stack with all the corresponding required images in multi-architecture for ARM(64) suppose


Special thanks to @stefancrain for pushing the last few images out.

@paulfantom I didn't come across kube-rbac-proxy when using the chart, would you be able to share more about when it is used?

I am not using the helm chart, but coreos/kube-prometheus project.

As for prometheus-opeator, since yesterday we are pushing images for amd64, armv7, and arm64 built from master branch. You can see them here: https://quay.io/repository/coreos/prometheus-operator?tag=latest&tab=tags

As for kube-state-metrics and kube-rbac-proxy - PRs are open and in review :)

Other dependencies listed in #71 are out of scope for me.

Good to see the wider support and adoption of images for multi-architecture images. Once the images are in an official release version we'll deprecate our version and promote the upstream - thanks for your good work ๐Ÿ‘

@stefancrain we might need to add kube-rbac-proxy support and I think we can wrap this issue up.

This is being closed for an example of all the helm values in a helm release manifest please look here: https://github.com/raspbernetes/k8s-gitops/blob/develop/namespaces/monitoring/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator.yaml