
Ability to set brightness and contrast

yomebzh opened this issue · 4 comments

hello, is there the possibility to change the parameters of the camera, like the contrast or the color thanks to a python command ? before installing Raspindi I used the command

CONTRAST IMG -100 - 100 (step1)

def imgSetContrast(self,m):
    if -100<=m<=100:
        subprocess.call(['v4l2-ctl', '--set-ctrl', f'contrast={m}'], shell=False)
        print (f'Contrast={m}')

necessarily now it is no longer valid
thank you for your help and your work

rf152 commented

You can set these settings in the raspindi.conf file; you can see raspindi.conf.default for an example.

thank you for your answer, Yes of course, that's what I did,

neopixel_path = "/tmp/neopixel.state";
camera_number = "-1";

awb: "auto"; // Options: auto, sunlight, cloudy, shade, tungsten, fluorescent, incadescent, flash, horizon, max, off

saturation: 0; // Value in range 0 - 100

# sharpness: 0; // Value in range 0 - 100
contrast: 10; // Value in range 0 - 100

brightness: 50; // Value in range 0 - 100

exposuremode: "auto"; // Options: auto, night, nightpreview, backlight, spotlight, sports, snow, beach, verylong, fixedfps, antishake, fireworks, max, off

meteringmode: "average"; // Options: average, spot, backlit, matrix, max

# rotation: 0; // Options: 0, 90, 180, 270
# mirror: "none"; // Options: none, horizontal, vertical, both

flickeravoid: "50hz"; // Options: auto, 50hz, 60hz, max, off

but once the file was compiled, no more direct modification possible, Or else I didn't understand

rf152 commented

The file is read on run; it’s read from /etc/raspindi.conf

thanks a lot