
Unable to goto TWRP recovery partition using "reboot recovery" using adb shell

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tvek commented
Unable to goto TWRP recovery partition using "reboot recovery" using adb shell
tvek commented

As an alternative, I have tried the TWRP recommendation proposed by the KonstaT.

I have build the latest TWRP package using TWRP RPi Github URL and kept in /boot partition with name as ramdisk-recovery.img. I was able to login TWRP by modifying the config.txt manually. But it was showing the error as /data,/system,...etc partition was not found.

I was able to see my system, boot, vendor & data partitions were present inside /dev/block/mmcblk0p1...p4.

Please let me know if I need to make any modifications.

tvek commented

Issue resolved after changing the TWRP-Rpi/device/brcm/rpi/recovery.fstab with /dev/block/mmcblk0p*