
Can't overclock the GPU on a Pi 4B

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Well, running Android TV on the Pi 4B and overclocking the CPU and video decoders seems functional but v3d or gpu core clocks won't go above 450 MHz no matter what.
I did the config.txt edits on both Android TV 13 and 14.

This is something that is handled on the firmware level and there's nothing Android specific here. Please refer to the Raspberry Pi documentation on the subject.

Sure but overclocking on PiOS worked. That's what's got me puzzled.

Something that could depend on e.g. Linux kernel version (6.1 vs. 5.15 in Android 14 & 13, respectively) and the boot firmware that matches the kernel version on my releases. I know that some of the options in your screenshot (e.g. over_voltage) are deprecated with recent Pi firmware.

I can't find any documentation about the firmware update changelogs but the results haven't changed in either Android 13 or 14. PiOS is on kernel 6.1 but the config.txt is in /boot/firmware now.