
Recent Apt Update package wayfire causes desktop to logout when HDMI input source is changed on my monitor

Closed this issue · 14 comments

On my RPi 5 running 64-bit bookworm desktop OS, there was a recent apt update that upgraded several packages.
After the upgrade, when I changed the input on my HDMI monitor from INP1 (RPi) to INP2 (PC) then back to INP1 (RPi) my desktop session ended and I was at the login screen. Everything running in my session was lost.
I traced the issue down to the update package wayfire.
If I revert to the previous apt release of wayfire, the problem does not occur. The problem re-occurs when I re-install the update wayfire package.
Recent changes to wayfire from the changelog in the update are:
wayfire (0.7.5-1bpo11+1rpt32) bookworm; urgency=medium

  • Fix for crash when closing pixdecor window on touchscreen
    -- Simon Long simon@raspberrypi.com Tue, 20 Feb 2024 14:07:02 +0000
    wayfire (0.7.5-1bpo11+1rpt31) bookworm; urgency=medium
  • Andri headless changes
    -- Simon Long simon@raspberrypi.com Mon, 05 Feb 2024 08:35:12 +0000
    I'm not sure what my HDMI monitor is doing when I change the input source, but I suspect it's probably something to do with power saving modes. But, what ever my HDMI display is "saying" to the RPi is causing the RPi to end my desktop session and log me out.

If you update to the latest version of wayfire now in apt, this should be fixed, but I do not understand why HDMI input changes should have caused the problem to occur - leaving this open until you can confirm that the patch fixes it.

Yes the patch now fixes it when I switch HDMI inputs.
I'm not sure what my monitor is doing, but whatever it was, the RPi saw it and triggered the bug.
Maybe when I switch HDMI inputs, my monitor sends/reports a sleep state or not sure if there's an HDMI signal like "ready" or "online".

Ok, thanks for confirming!

not sure if there's an HDMI signal like "ready" or "online".

"hotplug" 🙂

I know this issue is close, but I've noticed this happen to me as well even on the latest wayfire package (0.7.5-1~bpo11+1~rpt35), but it's VERY sporadic. I sometimes I turn my monitor off when I leave my Pi running. At least one time, when I came back and turned the monitor back on, wayfire ended my session. The logs indicated the session survived after turning the monitor off. It wasn't until the monitor turned back on that wayfire logged me out, so some signal between the monitor and the Pi on monitor power-on caused wayfire to log the session out. But like I said, this doesn't happen all the time. I now tend to just leave my monitor on so that it doesn't log me out.

Oh, one other thing that might be pertinent is that I use swaylock to lock the session when I step away using a launcher menu entry I created that calls /usr/bin/swaylock -i /usr/share/rpd-wallpaper/aurora.jpg.

On my RPi 5 running 64-bit bookworm desktop OS, there was a recent apt update that upgraded several packages. After the upgrade, when I changed the input on my HDMI monitor from INP1 (RPi) to INP2 (PC) then back to INP1 (RPi) my desktop session ended and I was at the login screen. Everything running in my session was lost. I traced the issue down to the update package wayfire. If I revert to the previous apt release of wayfire, the problem does not occur. The problem re-occurs when I re-install the update wayfire package. Recent changes to wayfire from the changelog in the update are: wayfire (0.7.5-1bpo11+1rpt32) bookworm; urgency=medium

  • Fix for crash when closing pixdecor window on touchscreen
    -- Simon Long simon@raspberrypi.com Tue, 20 Feb 2024 14:07:02 +0000
    wayfire (0.7.5-1bpo11+1rpt31) bookworm; urgency=medium
  • Andri headless changes
    -- Simon Long simon@raspberrypi.com Mon, 05 Feb 2024 08:35:12 +0000
    I'm not sure what my HDMI monitor is doing when I change the input source, but I suspect it's probably something to do with power saving modes. But, what ever my HDMI display is "saying" to the RPi is causing the RPi to end my desktop session and log me out.

Exactly the same problem! Rpi400 newest version for today 64bit. When I switch my monitor from HDMI (Rpi) input to Display Port (PC) and then back to hdmi, my session ended and I was at the login screen. Everything running in my session was lost!
Exactly the same! :-( I have to return to 32 bit version.

So I dont understand why the case is closed, if I face it today with newest upgrades

So I dont understand why the case is closed, if I face it today with newest upgrades

Because the issue which was causing the problem as previously reported was found and fixed, and those who had originally reported it confirmed that the problem had gone away.

So if you are still seeing a similar problem, either a) you do not actually have the fix, or b) what you are seeing is a different problem which happens to have the same symptoms, or c) it is specific to your hardware, such as your particular model of monitor.

To eliminate a), please download the latest OS image (4 July 2024) from https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/operating-systems/, flash it to a new SD card, and see if the problem still occurs.

In that case, please try switching to the new labwc compositor to see if that fixes the problem.

Open a terminal, run raspi-config, and under Advanced Settings -> Wayland, choose option 3, labwc, then reboot.

And then I tried with xset s 300 300

That's not going to work. xset, as the name suggests, is for X settings. It has no effect under Wayland.

The only way to blank the screen under labwc is by calling wlopm to power down the monitor, and not all monitors respond correctly to this.