
fresh install with US keyboard actually behaves like UK

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I can reproduce this with both the downloaded imager on Windows and remote/HTTP images native on the Pi.

Raspberry Pi 5 with latest Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit 2024-03-15. Customize settings. Changed locale time zone but left the keyboard at the default "us".

After boot, open an editor and attempt to type # (Shift-3) instead you will get £.

If I use raspi-config to change they keyboard layout to the exact same "us" value, the bug goes away!

Happy to collect additional info if needed.

So I did a before/after and even though /etc/default/keyboard and some files in /etc/console-setup are edited, nothing appears to have changed.

However, after running raspi-config, a new /usr/share/greeter.ini appears and the bug is gone.

This symptom only occurs in the default GUI. Wayfire? If I exit to console mode the normal keyboard is loaded.

I suggest you to check these 3 files (in my case there are two layout in use: US and RU):

  1. This one is used for keyboard layout in terminal
    sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard
  1. This one is used for keyboard layout for login screen
    sudo nano /usr/share/greeter.ini
xkb_options = grp:alt_shift_toggle
xkb_model = pc105
xkb_layout = us,ru
xkb_variant =
  1. This one is used for keyboard layout for Wayland desktop:
    nano ~/.config/wayfire.ini
xkb_options = grp:alt_shift_toggle
xkb_model = pc105
xkb_layout = us,ru
xkb_variant =

This sounds very similar to #60 , which we already fixed. Can you check whether you're using the latest version of Raspberry Pi Imager please? (which is v1.8.5 at the time of writing)