
Debugprobe-v2.0.1 does not work with VSCode Arm Debugger v1.2.1

retif opened this issue · 0 comments

Probe: Raspberry Pi Pico 2040
Probe firmware: debugprobe_on_pico.uf2
CMSIS Pack: Keil::STM32H7xx_DFP@3.1.1
Target: STM32H743VITx
Debugger: VSCode Arm Debugger v1.2.1

If I use OpenOCD - it works okay, if I use Arm Debugger it does not work with the message

[server] Starting debug server
[server] Waiting for debug server to start accepting connections
[server] Debug server started successfully

[server] Debug server shutdown application
[server] Debug server shut down attempted
[server] Done
! An error occurred processing MSDAP message
! Failed to connect to any devices on the target. Check that the target is correctly connected to the debug probe and powered on.