
USB power information for Raspberry Pi 1B is wrong

andrum993 opened this issue · 1 comments

In documentation/asciidoc/computers/raspberry-pi/power-supplies.adoc the limit for USB power on the Pi 1B (i.e. the original Raspberry Pi) is specified as 500mA. That doesn't sound right to me - I always thought it was 100mA per port, as specified in documentation/asciidoc/computers/raspberry-pi/usb-bus-on-raspberry-pi.adoc. If not, then mention of the 100mA per-port limit should be removed.

Also, there is a problem with USB power on the Pi 1B that causes power glitches when you plug in (and perhaps unplug) USB devices, causing the Pi to crash or reboot, which might be worth mentioning.

Similar limitations / issues may also exist on the 1A, but that's beyond my knowledge.

1B is a discontinued product from more than a decade ago; two versions, one with and one without polyfuses, were produced, which is probably where the confusion arises. Not planning to fix.