
Node.js , Redis PubSub, Socket.io , Express, MongoDB Book reading progress tracker.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Dependency Status

Node.js , Redis PubSub, Socket.io , Express, MongoDB Book reading progress tracker.

Installation Instruction

  1. Install MongoDB , Node.js, Redis
  2. Run mongod
  3. npm install to download required packages
  4. npm start to start the application
  5. open http://localhost:3000 on web-browser


Realtime Feed Update

Get realtime update of what frieds are reading!

Books from Local and Goodreads Database

Book search invoke local and goodreads search. If any new book found by the searched string that is not in the app database, it retrive the book info from goodreads , update app database and then push info to the user

Visual Book Reading Progress with Realtime Update

Visual Book reading progress on users profile update realtime as user turn pages!


The RESTFull API allow any ebook reader app to integrate with the booker server. Sample Booker (Windows only ebook reader app can be found here

For API documentation read WIKI