
.gitignore: remove vim swap and backup files

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.gitignore has these entries:


However a better solution is to configure, in vimrc, backupdir and directory.
As an example, in my case I have:

set backupdir=$HOME/.local/state/vim/backup | call mkdir(&backupdir, 'p', 0700)
set directory=$HOME/.local/state/vim/swap   | call mkdir(&directory, 'p', 0700)

Using the new XDG_STATE_HOME directory.

Is it ok to remove them?

Is it ok to remove them?

I have no problem with that, but what does @ratfactor think?
BTW, I use Neovim ๐Ÿ˜›

Sorry I didn't answer this quicker. It's been a while since I messed with backupdir and directory (specifically, before I started using a common "dotfiles" approach to share my .vimrc across computers).

Thanks for the reminder to give it a go again. This will clean up a lot of my projects. ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜„