
Ashura Strike Over Damage output

Closed this issue · 3 comments

rAthena Hash


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Ashura Damage have dieffrent Damage, with same code source / skill related between 2 emu version.
Old left one arround 2020-2021 ra ver, and right side is latest.

Ashura Strike latest version over damage.
Latest :

Old :

Relevant Log Output

No response

Expected Result

The damage result of Ashura Strike should be the same, as there is no difference in the source/skill code between them.
and the damage output should be identical to the old version.

How to Reproduce

Just use fresh Latest Rathena, and fresh Rathena version arround 2020-2021..

Official Information

It can be tested on the latest official clients.

Modifications that may affect results

No modification. use fresh.

Is Asura Strike not reducing by Neutral cards? like raydrix and others?

Atemo commented

To answer your issue : many other updates like the battle code have been changed over the years, the damage may be different even if the skill formula remains the same.
The issue has been closed as it can be considered a question. If you find differences in damage of this skill between RA and official servers please open a new issue.

To answer your issue : many other updates like the battle code have been changed over the years, the damage may be different even if the skill formula remains the same. The issue has been closed as it can be considered a question. If you find differences in damage of this skill between RA and official servers please open a new issue.

I'll test Asura Strike in kRO and compare the damage with rA then open new issue if i got a difference