DE calibration fails when multiple fields are present in database and only a single field model has been filled
bennahugo opened this issue · 6 comments
Running Commit #a2bb83c (stimelation)
input_ms.select_fields is set to [2] in this case (there are 4 fields available). I have filled DE_MODEL{1,2,3} with data for this field through
crystalball, e.g.
crystalball -sm quickview. -w detag1.reg -f 2 -o DE_MODEL1
I get
2023-01-15 08:49:57 | INFO | preprocess:transcribe_recipe | The following model sources were obtained from --input-model-recipe:
Columns: {'DE_MODEL3', 'MODEL_DATA', 'DE_MODEL1', 'DE_MODEL2'}
Sky Models: None
2023-01-15 08:49:57 | INFO | ms_handler:read_xds_list | Antenna table indicates 62 antennas were present for this observation.
2023-01-15 08:49:57 | INFO | ms_handler:read_xds_list | Polarization table indicates 4 correlations are present in the measurement set - ['XX', 'XY', 'YX', 'YY'].
2023-01-15 08:49:57 | INFO | ms_handler:read_xds_list | Field table indicates phase centre is at ([ 1.08358621 -1.14760053] [ 2.3861727 -1.19545309]).
2023-01-15 08:49:58 | WARNING | reads:_group_datasets | Ignoring 'FLAG_CATEGORY': Unable to infer shape of column 'FLAG_CATEGORY' due to:
'Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column FLAG_CATEGORY in /data2/bhugo/projects/projects/CXOUH110926/subset_quicklook/'
2023-01-15 08:49:58 | WARNING | reads:_group_datasets | Ignoring 'DE_MODEL1': Unable to infer shape of column 'DE_MODEL1' due to:
'Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column DE_MODEL1 in /data2/bhugo/projects/projects/CXOUH110926/subset_quicklook/'
2023-01-15 08:49:58 | WARNING | reads:_group_datasets | Ignoring 'DE_MODEL3': Unable to infer shape of column 'DE_MODEL3' due to:
'Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column DE_MODEL3 in /data2/bhugo/projects/projects/CXOUH110926/subset_quicklook/'
2023-01-15 08:49:58 | WARNING | reads:_group_datasets | Ignoring 'DE_MODEL2': Unable to infer shape of column 'DE_MODEL2' due to:
'Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column DE_MODEL2 in /data2/bhugo/projects/projects/CXOUH110926/subset_quicklook/'
2023-01-15 08:49:58 | WARNING | reads:_group_datasets | Ignoring 'FLAG_CATEGORY': Unable to infer shape of column 'FLAG_CATEGORY' due to:
'Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 28365 of column FLAG_CATEGORY in /data2/bhugo/projects/projects/CXOUH110926/subset_quicklook/'
2023-01-15 08:49:59 | WARNING | reads:_group_datasets | Ignoring 'FLAG_CATEGORY': Unable to infer shape of column 'FLAG_CATEGORY' due to:
'Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 1166747 of column FLAG_CATEGORY in /data2/bhugo/projects/projects/CXOUH110926/subset_quicklook/'
2023-01-15 08:49:59 | WARNING | reads:_group_datasets | Ignoring 'DE_MODEL1': Unable to infer shape of column 'DE_MODEL1' due to:
'Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 1166747 of column DE_MODEL1 in /data2/bhugo/projects/projects/CXOUH110926/subset_quicklook/'
2023-01-15 08:49:59 | WARNING | reads:_group_datasets | Ignoring 'DE_MODEL3': Unable to infer shape of column 'DE_MODEL3' due to:
'Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 1166747 of column DE_MODEL3 in /data2/bhugo/projects/projects/CXOUH110926/subset_quicklook/'
2023-01-15 08:49:59 | WARNING | reads:_group_datasets | Ignoring 'DE_MODEL2': Unable to infer shape of column 'DE_MODEL2' due to:
'Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 1166747 of column DE_MODEL2 in /data2/bhugo/projects/projects/CXOUH110926/subset_quicklook/'
2023-01-15 08:49:59 | ERROR | goquartical:<module> | An error has been caught in function '<module>', process 'MainProcess' (64516), thread 'MainThread' (140301569435456):
Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/data2/bhugo/projects/projects/CXOUH110926/subset_quicklook/venv3quartical/bin/goquartical", line 8, in <module>
│ │ └ <function execute at 0x7f99d14f2310>
│ └ <built-in function exit>
└ <module 'sys' (built-in)>
File "/data2/bhugo/projects/projects/CXOUH110926/subset_quicklook/venv3quartical/lib/python3.8/site-packages/quartical/", line 28, in execute
│ └ <contextlib.ExitStack object at 0x7f9a812639d0>
└ <function _execute at 0x7f99d14f23a0>
File "/data2/bhugo/projects/projects/CXOUH110926/subset_quicklook/venv3quartical/lib/python3.8/site-packages/quartical/", line 100, in _execute
data_xds_list, ref_xds_list = read_xds_list(model_columns, ms_opts)
│ │ └ BaseConfig_input_ms(path='', data_column='CORRECTED_DATA', sigma_column=None, weight_column=None, time_...
└ <function read_xds_list at 0x7f992e4b79d0>
File "/data2/bhugo/projects/projects/CXOUH110926/subset_quicklook/venv3quartical/lib/python3.8/site-packages/quartical/data_handling/", line 87, in read_xds_list
assert all(c in available_columns for c in columns), \
AssertionError: One or more columns in: ('TIME', 'INTERVAL', 'ANTENNA1', 'ANTENNA2', 'FEED1', 'FEED2', 'FLAG', 'FLAG_ROW', 'UVW', 'CORRECTED_DATA', 'DE_MODEL3', 'MODEL_DATA', 'DE_MODEL1', 'DE_MODEL2') is not present in the data.
the following shows the columns are correctly filled
CASA <1>:"")
Out[1]: True
CASA <2>: tt = tb.taql("select * from where FIELD_ID==2")
CASA <3>: m = tt.getcol("MODEL_DATA")
CASA <4>: m1 = tt.getcol("DE_MODEL1")
CASA <5>: m2 = tt.getcol("DE_MODEL2")
CASA <6>: m3 = tt.getcol("DE_MODEL3")
CASA <7>: mres = m - m1 - m2 - m3
CASA <8>: mres.shape
Out[8]: (4, 478, 1270752)
full command (quotes needed to run in a z-shell without escaping)
goquartical input_ms.data_column=CORRECTED_DATA input_ms.time_chunk=300s inpu
t_ms.select_fields="[2]" input_model.recipe='MODEL_DATA~DE_MODEL1~DE_MODEL2~DE_MODEL3:DE_MODEL1:DE_MODEL2:DE_MODEL3' output.subtract_di
rections="[1,2,3]" solver.terms="['G','DE']" solver.iter_recipe="[50,50,50,50,50,50]" output.products="[corrected_residual]" output.col
umns="['DECORR_RES']" G.type=phase G.time_interval=64s G.freq_interval=0 DE.type=complex DE.direction_dependent=True DE.time_interval=64s DE.freq_interval=8
I suspect I have no choice but to split out the data into a single field database. I think the selection mechanism is not working as expected because it is not using TaQL underneath the hood and then tries to infer shapes based on first row? Why not do that from the meta data keyword tables and the coldescriptors and/or nrow?
Yup as I expected splitting to a single field database works (or at least it runs past that point...). @JSKenyon probably best to implement the selection mechanisms via taql for this reason.
confirmed single field database runs through without a hitch
I made a decision to excise all TAQL from QuartiCal to avoid compatibility issues with the various backends. I appreciate that this does need to be fixed. Could you please point me at the data so that I can reproduce @bennahugo?
I have manage to reproduce - the issue is not with the selection but with the assert statement. The assert is relying on the output of xds_from_storage_ms
which will omit the names of columns which are not initialised (i.e. columns which exist but haven't been filled, if the exemplar row it reads is in unfilled region). I am working on a fix.
@bennahugo This should be on the stimelation
branch now if you want to check that it has resolved your problem.