
Extension stopped working on Chrome 45.0.2438.3 dev-m (64-bit)

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as of today with the latest chrome dev-m release the indicator is only shown when pages are not H2 enabled ("blank" icon). On HTTP/2 sites, regardless of protocol, the icon went away. Tested on H2, H2-14, SPDY/3.1 and QUIC enabled sites.

Seems to still be working fine for me. Same build.

Both trakt.tv and google.com show correctly.

Weird. Some pages are still working (facebook spdy/3.1, first time google.de: QUIC -> google.com nothing, reopening chrome, google.de -> nothing). cleared browser data + cache, still nothing. chrome://net-internals/#http2 definitly shows h2 protocol(s) being used. removed extension, reinstalled, google.de and google.com are now shown as h2 (not QUIC), closing the tab, reopening, icon disappered completly again. also tried disabling all other extensions (ghostery, µblock, mailvelope, HTTP headers and JS errors notifier.

I have similar issue since months on Mint 18.