
Show informative icon while establishig HTTP connection

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Due to a recent user interface change in Google Chrome, this browser extension now manifests as a persistent button in the tool bar. See: #25

Previously, when a page was loading and the HTTP connection wasn't yet established, this extension's icon was hidden. However, now it displays the greyed out default icon, which looks somewhat purposeless and mystifying:


Once the HTTP connection is established, it shows the relevant icon:


What would be a good icon to display while the HTTP connection is being established?

kav2k commented

The good icon would be of the same shape as the actual final icon.

Since it would necessarily be grayscale, it can be confused with the "NOT SPDY-enabled" one.

Suggesting a hollow lightning bolt - I'll try to make a pull request with this.

kav2k commented

Is fixed by either #28 or better #29

kav2k commented

Should be closed now with #29 merged in.