
New gem forked from this repository, works with API v5

drselump14 opened this issue · 7 comments

Hello guys, it looks like this project is deprecated and unmaintained. So I decided to fork the project and upload a new gem called ptt that works with API v5. Enjoy :)



raul commented

Very cool @drselump14 ! What do you think @orta? Should we add a notice to the README and repo description? Perhaps @drselump14 would be interested on maintaining pt rather than a fork?

@raul sure, i'd be happy to maintain this repository

raul commented

Great @drselump14 ! I can give you ownership of the pt gem as well, what email address do you have associated to your dr_selump14 user in rubygems.org?

raul commented

Excellent, you should be able to manage the repo and the gem now - let me know if you hit any issues. Thanks!

orta commented

Yeah this is awesome! 👍