
REST API and GraphQL API with Azure Data Builder API

Primary LanguageShell

Meeting Planner GraphQl Service

Using .Net v6 C#, Data API Builder Azure DAP 0.9.7, PostgresQL to store data

Run this project on your local machine

You need dotnet CLI check dotnet version dotnet --version or use Visual Studio instead

1: Clone with git.

git clone https://github.com/raulcv/dab-rest-graphql-api

2: Install azure dap dotnet pkg with dotnet CLI

dotnet tool install --global Microsoft.DataApiBuilder

3: Configure your database environment

Copy and Paste > Run sqldefinition.sql file in your postgresQL server. Create a .env file and include a: my-db-connection-string='with-your-connection-string'

Finally RUN

dab start

You did it!!!

Start Fetching the REST API or querying with GraphQl banana cake pop playgorund.


GET /api/Book/id/1000

GraphQl Api

  books(first: 5, orderBy: { title: DESC }) {
    items {

With ❤️ by raulcv

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