Ever wanted a technology solution to allow you to view high res images from a server in thumbnail size or in smaller size and then have the ability to zoom in closer to see more detail ? Now you can and its free with source for all to use. All ability is in the server, so no need for client side modifications, all you need is this cgi that uses libjpeg and thats it. And the BEST thing is its FREE, no fees to any corporation per image/pixel.
type make and thats it, copy the zoom file to your web folder as
simply call it as follows
Thats it, w=0 is used to default the image to source image size and proportional
in X/Y. You could other wise do w=200&h=200 or even w=200, either way
if w or h is <= 0, then its relatively proportional to its source image size.
If w or h is -1, then the size is relative to the other value.
Once viewed in your browser, click on the image to zoom in.
You can insert custom html headers and footers, either call the files names
header.html and footer.html in the same directory as the cgi or specify
them in the cgi args as head=this.html&foot=end.html, too easy.
Simply calling the cgi will by default return html code which will then
self include it self, the parameter t=0 means to return html code, and
the parameter t=1 means to output a jpeg binary file.
Default jpeg output is at 65% quality, and lessons by 2% for each zoom.
The code decodes the source jpeg and outputs a new jpeg at a new position
and mag size, it decodes one line at a time so as not to use all of your
machines memory. It uses the libjpeg library so in theory whatever the
library can understand it will also understand, so .tiff source files
should work.
GPL, see COPYING text file.
A dream.