
Algorand Smart Contracts in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PyTeal: Algorand Smart Contracts in Python

Build Status PyPI version Documentation Status

PyTeal is a Python language binding for Algorand Smart Contracts (ASC1s).

Algorand Smart Contracts are implemented using a new language that is stack-based, called Transaction Execution Approval Language (TEAL). This a non-Turing complete language that allows branch forwards but prevents recursive logic to maximize safety and performance.

However, TEAL is essentially an assembly language. With PyTeal, developers can express smart contract logic purely using Python. PyTeal provides high level, functional programming style abstactions over TEAL and does type checking at construction time.

PyTeal hasn't been security audited. Use it at your own risk.


pyteal requires python version >= 3.6

  • pip3 install pyteal


PyTeal Docs

Run Demo

In pyteal root directory:

  • jupyter notebook demo/Pyteal\ Demonstration.ipynb

Development Setup

Setup venv (one time):

  • python3 -m venv venv

Active venv:

  • . venv/bin/activate.fish (if your shell is fish)
  • . venv/bin/activate (if your shell is bash/zsh)

Pip install pyteal in editable state

  • pip install -e .

Type checking using mypy

  • mypy pyteal

Run tests:

  • pytest