
antivirus detecting a threat in the latest release

hzozimo opened this issue · 2 comments

Downloading the plugin from github

or downloading from ACT

it says

Ameaça removida

Um ameaça (Win64/HackTool.RustRegion.B) foi
encontrado em um arquivo que o DotNet está
tentando acessar.

O acesso foi bloqueado.
Threat removed

A threat (Win64/HackTool.RustRegion.B) was
found in a file that DotNet is
trying to access.

Access has been blocked.

This doesn't have to do with the latest release. ESET was being annoying hours ago before even the beta plugin was released.

It is not simple to whitelist it, but users on Discord have found it is possible.

Also, you're using the word "virus" where even ESET is not using it. It is unfair for ESET to call this a "threat", however.

I edited to remove the virus word, It could be misleading, sorry for that. I will look into discord to find the way, thanks.