
Question for _fwd.npz and _bwd.npz

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, thanks for the interesting work!

When I ran your code, it outputs a degraded image.
So I check your code, and it seems there is no flow data from RAFT (_fwd.npz and _bwd.npz, L47-48 in camera_utils.py)
Could you provide the files or could you explain how to make the .npz files from RAFT?
Thank you for your time!

We use the code based on https://github.com/princeton-vl/RAFT and raft-sintel.pth the original authors provided.
We updated the repository. Please check the script/flow_dynerf_all.sh.
For the issue of degraded images, another issue may help you #2

Thank you for your interest in our work.