#SidescrollerTS A 2D platformer game using Canvas and written using Phaser and Typescript.


  1. Ensure that this repository is in a directory called 'TotesPaint'
  2. Install NodeJS - https://nodejs.org/download/
  3. Install Grunt - http://gruntjs.com/getting-started
  4. Run 'npm install' in a Node JS command prompt in the root project folder
  5. Download the NWJS .zip file (http://nwjs.io/) and extract to '../NWJS/' from the project root. For example, if your project is at D:\Projects\TotesPaint, extract the zip to D:\Projects\NWJS\

##Running the application

###Test the application

  1. Ensure initial setup is done
  2. Run 'grunt test'. The debugging toolbar is enabled when running a test.

###Build the application executable

  1. Ensure initial setup is done
  2. Run 'grunt build' (first run will take a long time). The debugging toolbar is disabled when running a test.
  3. Output files are written to builds/TotesPaint/win64/

