
Reading list for knowledge-enhanced text generation

Knowledge-enriched Text Generation Reading-List

Here is a list of recent publications about Knowledge-enhanced text generation. (Update on Oct. 14th, 2020)

-- We will continue to add and update related papers and codes on this page.

-- indicates aviable code and indicates high citation in recent years.

Survey paper

A Survey of knoweldge-enhanced Text Generation. Wenhao Yu (ND), Chenguang Zhu (Microsoft), Zaitang Li (CUHK), Zhiting Hu (UCSD), Qingyun Wang (UIUC), Heng Ji (UIUC), Meng Jiang (ND). arXiv. 2010.04389

Basic NLG papers and codes

(For new learners, some important papers for general NLG/KENLG.)

Pretrained language generation models

Controllable generation leanrng methods

Topic-enhanced text generation

Keyword-enhanced text generation

Knowledge base-enhanced text generation

Knowledge graph-enhanced text generation

Open knowledge graph-enhanced text generation (Kg constructed by OpenIE)

Grounded text-enhanced text generation

Knowledge-enhanced pretraining


  title={A Survey of knoweldge-enhanced Text Generation},
  author={Yu, Wenhao and Zhu, Chenguang and Li, Zaitang and Hu, Zhiting, and Wang, Qingyun and Ji, Heng and Jiang, Meng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.04389},


This page is contributed by Wenhao Yu(wyu1@nd.edu) and Qingyun Wang(qingyun4@illinois.edu).