
The best squirrel tracker. Ever. (A demo app for LaravelSF meetups)

Primary LanguagePHP


Identify and track squirrels via text, now using AWS Rekognition! Created for the November 10th, 2015; February 9th, 2016; May 10th, 2016; and March 13th, 2018 Laravel SF Meetups.

Local Install

  1. Run php vendor/bin/homestead make to set up Homestead.
  2. Change any parameters in Homestead.yaml needed for your local install.
  3. Edit your hosts file to add sqrrl.app (replace the IP with the one in your Homestead.yaml file.
  4. Copy .env.example, rename to .env, and fill in necessary variables.
  5. Run vagrant up.
  6. The app is now accessible at sqrrl.app.