
Serialization issues

Vinze opened this issue · 5 comments

Vinze commented

Why does laravel-settings unserialize the stored value with the ['allowed_classes' => false] option? This causes some issues when storing an object or class. For example:

$project = Project::find(1);

Settings::set('project', $project);

$p = Settings::get('project');


This returns a __PHP_Incomplete_Class(App\Models\Project) object instead of the actual Project eloquent model. Now storing an object in the settings might not be very useful, but this also happens when storing a Carbon object (i.e. Settings::set('last_import', Carbon::now()))

I would expect the Settings helper to work the same as the default Laravel Cache and Session helpers. These also (un)serialize data using the default PHP serialize() and unserialize() functions but without the allowed_classes option.

rawilk commented

The allowed_classes option is used because unserializing objects can be a security risk, especially if the input is coming from users. If that's a risk you're willing to take and/or you trust the data being unserialized, the easiest way to allow for this is to override the default ValueSerializer class.

namespace App\Support;

use Rawilk\Settings\Support\ValueSerializers\ValueSerializer;

class CustomValueSerializer extends ValueSerializer
    public function unserialize(string $serialized): mixed
        return unserialize($serialized);

Then, in the config/settings.php file, update the value_serializer key to the custom one:

// config/settings.php
'value_serializer' => \App\Support\CustomValueSerializer::class,

I may also consider adding in a whitelist option to the config for objects that are allowed to be unserialized, which would be fine for a few classes, however the solution I showed above is probably more ideal if you're going to storing many different kinds of objects in the settings.

Also, imo it's better to store just the id of a model as a setting, or the actual timestamp from a date object, like now()->unix(). This, however is more of a personal preference though.


new version 3.3 seen not compatible with version 2.2.
downgrade to 2.2.2.

rawilk commented

@irvine48 Not sure what you mean by this. v3+ is a major version change, and has breaking changes from v2.

Vinze commented

The safelist seems like a good idea! Perhaps allowing a wildcard like ['unserialize_safelist' => '*'] would be usefull if you explicitly allow unserializing of all classes.

I'm going to close this issue since the ability to safelist has been added. Feel free to re-open in the future if necessary.