
SSL redirect

piotrgiedziun opened this issue · 6 comments


Would you consider adding support for traefik.frontend.headers.SSLRedirect?

Hi @piotrgiedziun,

it could be done, but it isn't here, moreover at rawmind0/rancher-traefik git repo. :)

Best regards...

This might be related: I'm trying to do TRAEFIK_HTTPS_ENABLE="only" but when I visit http, it's redirecting me to port 8443. Feels like we need another variable to tell Traefik which port we are using on the public WAN (in my case, 443).

Yep, variable is TRAEFIK_HTTPS_PORT=8443 # https port take a look at README.md file :)

Unless you mean the # symbol is part of the data payload, I think you misunderstand. Traefik is listening on port 8443 inside the container. But using docker, it is being 'exposed' as port 443 to the outside world (in docker this is -p 443:8443/tcp).

# just denotes a comment.
Traefik is listening on port $TRAEFIK_HTTPS_PORT that by default is 8443. Try to overwrite variable and publish same port as exposed -p 443:443/tcp -e TRAEFIK_HTTPS_PORT=443

Oooh, sorry. I thought I read somewhere it wouldn't work due to being non-root process. Thank you, it's working.