
[Core] Unable to run worker with virtual environment without installing dashboard

Opened this issue · 2 comments

What happened + What you expected to happen

Ive tried to minimize the dependencies inherited from Ray.
I am trying to run Ray Remote with new virtualenv (adding new dependencies).

If I am only installing pip install ray==2.9.0 I get an error that there is no such package as virtualenv from worker.
I need to install pip install ray[default]==2.9.0 to make it work, which brings 23 more dependencies bunch of them related to ray-dashboard which I am not interested it.

I can add virtualenv to my own dependencies, but I'd have to maintain dependency that actually Ray uses.

Please add your virtualenv to default dependencies.

Versions / Dependencies

Ray 2.9.0 (same goes for 2.22 tho)

Reproduction script


Issue Severity

High: It blocks me from completing my task.

Do you mean runtime environment from Ray? This feature requires ray[default], because we need those dependencies to set up things. If you don't want runtime env, you can create an image and install deps in it, thus avoiding runtime env.

I want to be able to run Ray Remotes with runtime environment, without installing Ray Dashboard.
Ray[default] installs (AFAIR) 34 more dependencies than just Ray with no extra.
To run Ray Remote with runtime environments, I need to install Ray and separately install virtualenv dependnecy.
Would be much better IMHO if virutalenv just became standard dependnency without any extras