
Web app to generate table of contents of markdown file. Built with Play Framework for Scala .

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status - Master MIT licensed

The hosting on "http://tableofcontent.eu" stopped due to costs of AWS.


Web based table of contents generator

There are plenty of markdown table of contents generators on github, but the installation of the dependencies is a lot of overhead for an occasional activity. That's the idea of this web app.

In addition, it is a nice tutorial on Scala 😄

Online Generation

You don't need to install anything.
1 Go to http://tableofcontent.eu/
2 Copy paste your markdown content or your github repo link and click "submit" "

Run locally

You can run locally, go to the root project and enter this command line.

sbt run

By default, it will run on http://localhost:9000 .

To run on local on a specific port

sbt "~run 8081"



At the root of the project, run the command line and pass in parameter your username on https://hub.docker.com/

$ ./build-docker-image.sh <DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME>

Run locally

See the last Docker image build

$ docker images

To run locally, use the cmd

$ docker run --name <CONTAINER_NAME> -p <FROM_PORT>:<TO_PORT> -d <IMAGE_ID>

# for examples :
$ docker run --name container -p 9000:9000 -d e2a451cb675f

The application will run on "http://localhost:9000".

To stop every Docker processes from running .

$ docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

Then once the containers stop running, you can delete the containers.

$ docker rm $(docker container ps -a -q)

Run on AWS Lightsail

The instance is already set up. Go to the console and run this command:

$ sudo docker run --name toc -p 80:9000 -d raychenon/play-table-of-contents:<tag>