A Clojure client for Rollbar
Rollcage is available on Clojars. Add the following to your project.clj
[circleci/rollcage "1.0.148"]
You can send exceptions like this:
user=> (require '[circleci.rollcage.core :as rollcage])
user=> (def r (rollcage/client "access-token" {:environment "staging"}))
user=> (try
#_=> (/ 0)
#_=> (catch Exception e
#_=> (rollcage/error r e)))
{:err 0, :result {:id nil, :uuid "1cb0c8bf-3942-4553-a5c4-8adc5d55ed8f"}}
You can also setup handler for all UncaughtExceptions. Call this fn during start-up procedure to ensure all uncaught exceptions will be sent to Rollbar.
user=> (rollcage/setup-uncaught-exception-handler r)
See the full API docs for more information.
A full CI suite is run on CircleCI.
You can run the unit-test suite locally by running lein test
. Some tests
require access to Rollbar, with a valid access token that has permission to post
server items. The token should be specified in the ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN
environment variable.
$ ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your token> lein test
The tests that require access to Rollbar are annotated with the :integration
metadata tag. You can exclude these by using the :unit
test selector.
$ lein test :unit
Releases are published to Clojars under the CircleCI organisation. You can publish new SNAPSHOT version of Rollcage using leiningen:
$ lein deploy clojars
You can release a new version of Rollcage by editing the version string in
according to semver and removing the
qualifier. Then run
$ lein deploy clojars
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.