
View Note Infomation

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I would like to request to view the property of the notes at the specific 
position selected. Listing the index, position, length, type, note parameter, 
velocity value.

I was able to get my song onto the game (Big Thanks! There is no other program 
that has a better piano roll and GUI) A note didn't turn out the way I wanted. 
(The game turns a 10-X-8 chord into a X-X-X chord). So that I don't have to 
import the .mid through so many programs again. I thought of changing the chord 
in EoF and see the new info, then change that parameter by hand while its still 
in the game's package.

Primary use, Rockband 3 Proguitar creator
EOF v1.8RC6 r1154
Win7 i7(2600k) 4.5GHz 16GBram

Original issue reported on code.google.com by Jerry1G...@gmail.com on 10 Jun 2013 at 5:11

I'm not sure what it is you're asking for.  Most of the information you 
mentioned is already given for the selected note in the Information Panel.  Any 
statuses the note has are generally made visible in the editor panel.  EOF 
doesn't track a velocity value for notes, they all export with a default value 
for non pro tracks, or in the case of pro guitar/bass, using the appropriate 
velocities for the tablature.

The muting thing is a known limitation of Rock Band 3, you can't just have some 
of the strings dead, it's all or nothing.  In your case, just author it as a 10 
- (nothing) - 8 note (leave the string in the middle blank).

Original comment by raynebc on 10 Jun 2013 at 7:35

  • Added labels: Type-Enhancement
  • Removed labels: Type-Defect
Cool, I was able to delete the dead note.
Am I correct to assume that it looks like a fret equals a velocity. From here I 
should be able to make my own table.

Original comment by Jerry1G...@gmail.com on 10 Jun 2013 at 8:18

Rock Band 3 uses MIDI note velocity to specify the fret value of a gem (value 
100 + fret number, ie. a velocity of 105 means the note is played at fret 5).

Original comment by raynebc on 10 Jun 2013 at 6:17

Was there anything left unaddressed in this enhancement request?

Original comment by raynebc on 25 Apr 2014 at 10:23

For now I'm going to assume so.  Please reply if not.

Original comment by raynebc on 29 May 2014 at 11:00

  • Changed state: Done