Archivematica Ansible Deploy

Non-Official Archivematica Deployment through Ansible

This code is currently tested against CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 18.04 with Ansible 2.9.5

Single node deployment

In the folder single_deploy you find the configuration to deploy all services used by Archivematica to a single node. Change the configuration in group_vars/all.yml, rename host_vars/ file to your server name and make this change also in the hosts file.

Multi node deployment

In the folder multi_deploy you find the configuration to deploy services used by Archivematica onto the servers you prefer. Change the configuration in group_vars/all.yml, rename all files in host_vars to your server cluster and make this change also in the hosts file.


After changing the configuration in all.yml and specified the servers in hosts and host_vars run these commands to start deploying: Please run pre-playbook-ubuntu.yml first when Python 2.7 is not installed on destination servers.

  1. ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p ./roles/
  2. ansible-playbook -i hosts pre-playbook-ubuntu.yml
  3. ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml

Python 2.x

Currently all Ansible code and Archivematica depends on Python 2.x. Please make sure that this Python version is installed before running the playbook. Python 3.x support is in development


This is still work in progress, let me know if there are any improvements available.