`GetLatestBlockWithRetry` and `GetStakerId` contract call is called repeatedly
Yashk767 opened this issue · 0 comments
Yashk767 commented
The RPC usage metrics revealed that calls to eth_getBlockByNumber
were excessively high. This function is being invoked repeatedly within a for loop during our voting process. To prevent reaching the free tier limit of RPC usage, there's a necessity to optimize this implementation.
Staker Id remains the same for a staker throughout but we still call getStakerId for an address every time inside HandleBlock
We do use GetLatestBlockWithRetry
in functions GetBufferedState
and GetEpoch
to get the latest block number, rather we can use the existing latest block number provided in
HandleBlock(client *ethclient.Client, account types.Account, blockNumber *big.Int, config types.Configurations, rogueData types.Rogue, backupNodeActionsToIgnore []string)
For stakerId
we can just call GetStakerId(address)
only once outside the voting for loop and use the same when required.