
clojure.jdbc is unmaintained; recommend next.jdbc instead

seancorfield opened this issue · 1 comments

clojure.jdbc started life by copying code from clojure.java.jdbc without credit until I called the author out on the Clojure mailing list. Although he rewrote it, added a credit to the existing library, and then evolved the library for a while, it hasn't been updated in about four years now (and was never the most popular JDBC library anyway).

The Clojure Contrib library java.jdbc -- https://github.com/clojure/java.jdbc -- is still the most widely used JDBC library so you should probably mention it, but it is no longer getting updates. next.jdbc is where all the active development is happening these days and I consider it to be the 1.0 release that clojure.java.jdbc could never have: https://github.com/seancorfield/next-jdbc


Google Groups thread about clojure.jdbc copying code (it was called clj.jdbc in its early days): https://groups.google.com/g/clojure/c/Louc1PRdb_s/m/vwEL3LkAbncJ