
add cMQL

tkaryadis opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello, i made a Clojure(Script) library called cMQL, for quering MongoDB.
It feels almost as if Clojure was the query language of MongoDB, and reduces code up to 3x.

cMQL example (playground has 150+ examples) :

(q (= :bedrooms 1)
   (= :country.code "GR")
   (group {:_id :stars}
          {:average-price (avg :price)})
   (sort :stars)
   (limit 3))

Docs : https://cmql.org/
Playground : https://cmql.org/play/
Github : https://github.com/tkaryadis/cmql-core
Slack : https://app.slack.com/client/T03RZGPFR/C02P0821VJA
Discord : https://discord.gg/zWDzp4B7Bf

If you can add it on the list, thank you : )